Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this week’s featured author!
I was so excited to interview romance author Kristy Mickelsen!

My first question for each author is, of course, what it was that pushed them into writing down thoughts and stories from their imagination? And each author has had their own unique and fasinating answers! Here’s what author Kristy Mickelsen said!
“Back in high school, I used to write silly little stories for my friends and we would come up with some goofy things. However, as an adult, I use to write journals at night to get my feelings out. You see, I was a caregiver to my father who had stage 4 renal cell carcinoma and I had 2 kids on the autism spectrum so my life was pretty hectic and I needed a way to release some of my stress and my emotions. Well, back in 2018 my son saw me writing in one of my journals and asked me why not try to write professionally. At first, I said no and told him I just wasn’t good enough to write professionally. He looked at me and said, “well, Mom, if you can give up on your dreams, I guess it’s okay for me to give up on mine…”
So wanting to prove a point to my son, I wrote a novella called Nine months to Autism... I wanted to show my son that he should never give up on his dreams. And that is how I got started.”

I love this! Kids can sometimes be more
inspiring than they know. 😉
Author Kristy Mickelsen has also written a touching romance called “Lady For Hire.” So, my next question was what steered Kristy to writing in the romance genre? Kristy answers here!
“I have always loved the romance genre of books. I read many romance books a year so I decided to try my hand at a genre that I love. And to be honest I am a hopeless romantic and simply adore a happily-ever-after story.”

It’s okay, Kristy, I too am a huge sucker for romance! LOL
Author Kristy Mickelsen’s novel, “Nine Months to Autism” was her first published work! I asked if she could tell us a bit about her personal writing and publishing experience! Here is what Kristy says!
“My first published book was actually a novella called Nine Months to Autism. I self-published it through KDP with a lot of trial and error. With that first book, I had no clue what I was doing. It is a short story about how my children were diagnosed with Autism and some of the struggles we went through… However, it was the first thing I had ever written and indie published. It is a very short read and has quite a few rookie mistakes in it. I really should pull it off the Amazon shelves and fix it, but I leave it exactly as is to remind me of how far I have come. I learn and grow more with each book I write and independently publish.”

Self publishing is not as easy as it may seem! I too went through many, I mean many, trials and errors myself. It’s actually amazing how much we learn from our first, to even the second book, and so on for some. And just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, there’s so much more! LOL
Next in our interview I asked author Kristy Mickelsen where she came up with the story idea for “Lady for Hire.” Kristy says:
“The idea for Lady For Hire came after I had lost my home a few years back due to some financial issues. It is the story of a young girl who lost her home, but soon goes to work as a nanny and her life is turned around by the man she works for. It is kind of a Cinderella story or even a Pretty Woman with a twist.”

Each author I have had the great pleasure of interviewing has had a fantastic and interesting way of how they dream up book stories. So, I asked author Kristy Mickelsen where she gets all her wonderful ideas! Here’s what Author Kristy Mickelsen says!
“Usually, my stories start off based on my real-life experiences and I turn them into fictional stories. I love to use my writing to advocate and spread awareness about topics that are important to me.”
I find some of the best stories are inspired by true events! Next in our interview, I asked Kristy if she could tell everyone a bit about herself!
“Well, I am a 43-year-old wife and mother whose passions include my two Autistic young adult children, reading and writing. I am also an advocate for cancer and autism awareness.”

After having a peek at author Kristy Mickelsen’s books, I was dying to know what else she had planned for the future, or if she had anything new coming out soon!
“In late 2022 I will be releasing my fourth book which is the sequel to Lady For Hire called Boss Lady. It is the story of the little girl that the MC cares for in Lady For Hire.”
I’d like to give a huge thank you to author Kristy Mickelsen! I had a great time getting to know Kristy a little better, and finding a new romance! I wish her all the best, and I can’t wait to see her new release! You can find author Kristy Mickelsen and her books at the links below!
Thank as always for checking out my featured author and interview! Next Sunday the 17th, being Easter Sunday, I will not be posting a featured author. Come back Sunday April 24th for featured and interview with author Stefanie Nici!
